Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Concept Note

Dear Sir/madam.
                 My name is osama arshad i am currenty doing bechlors in computer science.I had learned about how to develop smartphone's application and now I have been started working to develop an android application.The name of that application will be Namaz time.This application will help those people who live in those areas where there is no Masajid near there homes so they are unable to listen Azaan and this is why they dont offer prayers at time.This application will help them to offer prayers on time whenever the time of prayers starts the phone will start ringing and they can see on the screen  that of which time prayers time it is so they can perform it on time.
             I would like you to fund my application so then i can market my application in a proper way.People can get known to the application and get benefit as much as they can.If you are interested then contact me on my Email address.Thankyou.

Osama Arshad
Email: osamarshad.oa@gmail.com

1 comment:

    I was as discouraged as anyone to hear the DHA Cleaning Union has gone on strike. As a person who frequently visits sea view or places in Defence, it disgusted me to see the waste bins overflowing and the general untidiness. As a twenty-year janitor with a great love for sea view and surrounding townships, however, I believe I can help you.

    Let’s face it: nobody takes a city that can’t handle its trash seriously. This is true everywhere from Kashmir to Karachi. If one expects his or her local authority to carry, he or she cannot issue edicts from a pile of half-written grants.

    Let me help you gain your authority back. My crew and I will break the strike lines, weather the insults, and make sure your facilities are 100 percent spotless no matter what. We could have city in clean form mere days from your acceptance of this proposal.

    First, we’ll hit the big, public areas—parks, streets and the amusement places. And then move on to the lesser-used areas like the municipal water facility. Our licensed trash haulers will move the garbage to safe landfill in neighboring place, where it will live out a life unhindered by the day-to-day stresses of modern municipal management.
    Then, once things are clean, we’ll make sure they stay that way long. We’ll even pick up the messes left by the daily protesters who call the strike. Nobody wants to walk through a bunch of picket signs and empty Styrofoam cups! When the strike ends, we’ll amicably part ways, and city sanitation can go back to doing with it does best.

    For this excellent service, we would only ask a nominal Rs.10,000 fee weekly. This is less than a fraction of what the city spends on its own janitorial services (when they aren’t striking). In return, we will give you the cleanest, neatest facilities any of us have seen since the beginning. If you’re ready to talk, you can call us at 111-SERVICE or email service@citycleaners.com any time. I’d love to help clean our city up. You’d love to support local business. It’s a sanitation service match made in Heaven, if I do say so myself!

    Ahmed Owais Khan


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