Monday, February 24, 2014

CASE: Need of an Awareness Campaign

R. Is a company of computer science students who not only aim to achieve something in their field, but also plan to utilize this time and energy on things that would make a difference and serve humanity. Rather than developing something that would benefit the fortunate, they focus on facilitating the less fortunate by their ideas and products.

About two years ago, the team members planned to develop such a device which would facilitate the farmers in looking after their fields and take necessary precautions afore time as it would be a source to acknowledge them about the hindrances that can harm the field and its crops. Having different
Levels SC-SH will inform about different hazards. From the minute living organisms to the natural calamities that can harm a specific plant based on its sensitivity towards each.

For the purpose, I, Rafia Rashid, owner of R. held talks with an agency named Z. that look into related matters and invests accordingly. Getting a positive and affirmative response, the team started working deliberately for the successful completion of the device.

It was on January 2014 that R. and Z., after the completion of the product, met and discussed the ways they must follow to publicize it. We knew, the product is the need of a person with one profession. Yes, farming! Before, when the agreement was made it was discussed only till the point where one just tells who their buyers would be and how would it benefit them. A major fault by our side, no doubt!
 During the meeting, analyzing and keeping in view the situation and literacy rate in rural areas of Pakistan, we came up to the conclusion that just the posters/ commercials or even going there with our product telling farmers about its benefits won’t do.  

After mutual discussion, we agreed upon contacting an Educational consultant for the purpose of hiring a team of instructors who have command in technology as well as the pros and cons of farming. They will conduct a series of sessions for farmers and will create awareness about using modern technology to benefit their work and lifestyles.

Although, very risky and tough, we have taken an attempt to contact the consultant. Such a worthy product and the hard work behind, must not go in vain.

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