Monday, February 24, 2014

Patent case between Java Enterprise and LEAP Inc.

In 2010, I [Hussam Javaid] came up with an idea to create a device that allows people to control their digital device from a specific distance by using their motion. I searched on the internet whether such devices exist or is someone working on it, but found none. I decided to share my idea with an old friend Khurram Abas Khan with whom I use to work with on small project in college. A NDA was sign between us and we started working on the prototype.

Thus in 2012, we [Hussam Javaid and Khurram Abas Khan] founded a company by the name of Java Enterprise with its first successful prototype launched called P3C-armband that allow user to control all operation and other feature without touching their Desktop computer or Laptop. After the successful launched of our product, we submitted an application to Pakistan Patent and Trademark Office (PPTO) to patent our product. 6 months later we got the patent of our product and the serial number of our product is PN #9 415 271.

In starting month of 2013, Java Enterprise collaborated with Fujitsu Co. Japan leading IT Company and a MOU was signed by both Organizations. Java and Fujitsu started working on a update version of the P3C-armband that allow user not just control PC other thing such as their T.V, music player, car, toy helicopter, playing game without using analog controller etc. On 4 July 2013, the update version of P3C-armband was released. On the first day of the opening P3C-armband hit the global market with 7% market share and still rising. By the end of the first week we made 82.5 $ Billion and our share in the market were 14% up and our product demands started rising worldwide.

In the staring of 2014, our market share started to drop putting our company at great risk of going out of business. The matter was related to LEAP Inc and their partner HP that launched their product Leap motion devices. Leap motion device allows user to control their digital device by reading their hands and finger motion. We suspected that LEAP Inc was infringing in our product and we thought that they were using our EMG sensors and nine-axis IMU’s modified version of our software.  Although we had no proof that they were using software. But we believe that there was no other way for the Leap motion to detect the hand and finger motion without using EMG sensors and nine-axis IMU’s software. We filed a petition case against the LEAP Inc for software theft. The International criminal court petition accepted our case.

A jury trial will began in December 2014 and specialist programmers will be called to check the owner ship of the software program. 

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